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(facilitation) BEESCOOP General Assembly

Yesterday was the General assembly of the supermarket cooperative BEES Coop.; this cooperative is an example of management of a 'common', namely a supermarket, and uses co-creation and co-decision methods.
I finished my one year term in the organising team of the general assembly and transferred the duties to the newly elected team of volunteers; 

As part of  the facilitation team on-stage I coached the cooperative decisions about strategic questions of solidarity shifts and the definition of products to be sold in store; 
The sociocratic tool used to make decisions was management by consensus with 80+ cooperants present.

A long round of interesting clarifications made the two facilitators realise that a question was premature or not sufficiently clear for the cooperants, and put us as facilitators in a difficult position regarding time management and flow in the decisions.  
At the end 2 out of 3 proposals were decided, and one was postponed.

Beescoop assembly

This  general assembly is a real life experiment of collective intelligence based on the three H: human-humble-humor.  The project is put as a priority, and individual egos and power games are coming in a second place after the project.  As a facilitator the management of this general assembly is an honor and at the same time a difficult balance between method and the rythm of the group.
