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GEo-location in 2014 : outlook

Alsways an interesting exercise make forecasts, although some trends go often slower than predicted, and other disruptive factors come into place. Let's look at this list of predictions from Geoloco summit:
Prediction 1. Geo-data will be free, with OpenStreet Map and other crowd-driven open-source data eclipsing commercial vendors: panelists of the summit did not think this prediction would be true due to quality issues.
2. Location-awareness will be integral to any mobile app: palists agree.
3. More than half of all mobile advertising in 2014 will be location-based: mixed review from panelists
. Virtually all user-generated content will be geo-tagged: probably yes
5. Proximity will become a critical filter for content: probably yes, anyay a filtering of relevant information is needed.
Prediction 6. Mobile devices scanning QR and bar codes will revolutionize how consumers access information: no clear answer
7. LBS will be integrated with social networks: already done, this is the area where legislation will be put up, because stuff like facial recognition will cause deviations.

Complete article from GEO-loco 2010
