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Mobile Mash-up event from Mobile Monday Brussels 20/4/2009: registration still open

Mobile Mash-up
Mobile Monday Brussels community

The Mobile Monday community gathers live in Brussels
on Monday April 20th.
Exchange your views on mobile mash-up with the following speakers:

indent Android Mobile Mash-up and Life Folder application in a technical perspective
Friedger Müfke - OpenIntents

Location Based Mash-ups in a marketing perspective
Johan Lemmens - Service2Media

Eurostar Girlygeekshopping Mash-up case Flickr, Twitter and Google Maps
Caroline Maerten - Rolling Talks

Customer engagement in a mobile world
Jürgen Coetsiers - the creative stores

Discuss afterwards whilst having a drink thanks to location sponsor the creative stores

Free entrance to register for this event.

Location: Diamant Center, Bd. A. Reyers 80 - 1030 Brussels
map and details on
