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Showing posts from April, 2020

Freedom day - What the post apartheid reconciliation learns us for the new normal in post-covid period

What the post apartheid reconciliation in South Africa learns us for the new normal in post-covid period. Happy Freedom day! On the 27th of April 1994 the first general democratic elections in South Africa paved way for a definitive closing of the Apartheid period.  The transition from an Apartheid regime to a democracy with general elections lasted 5 years ( from the liberation of Nelson Mandela in February 1989 till the elections on 27th of April) Systemic design analysis I have learned  the systemic design toolkit ( ) invented by Belgian company Namahn, as a holistic structure to trace back these 5 years, and the decisive elements that have paved the way to a democracy.  This route was full of personal 1-1 leader talks, personalities , alignments,  internal battling, mournings, forgiveness, reconciliations,  violence and individual sorrow.  It was an interesting exercise to try to map these five years...

(crosspost) Positive and negative impacts of government covid-19 related actions on the SDGs

Happy to share the first co-created outcome of the TOKVIL community looking at positive and negative impacts of government covid-19 related actions on the SDGs #sdg2030

4 authors for a systemic change

Frederik Laloux, Reinventing Organizations: An Illustrated Invitation to Join the Conversation on Next-Stage Organizations  explains the freed enterprise; a model for moving into the 21St century in your company structure ad freeing the potential Kate Raworth in Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist   basically wrote the exact blueprint of a new economy that is based on the needs of the planet and humans first. It explains the errors in the economic models. Jeremy Rifkin in Zero Marginal Cost Society is looking at the new cooperation model of commons and zero marginal cost to build something Naomi Klein, Author of the theory of shocks, her 2018 book No is not enough inspires us to build a new narrative.

(crosspost) Join 17/4 online Public policy lab: lessons from Czech republic + SDG COVID19 response

Announcing an exceptional keynote speaker, David Stulík for the next TOKVIL online meetup on public policy innovation. Register on meetup to get the online details Content: - How are you doing? How do you move public service and policy to the 'new' normal - Keynote "the Czech approach" , by David Stulík, Senior Analyst of the European Values Center for Security Policy, Prague (*) - UN SDG frame SDG 3 and SDG 4 co-creative session about best and worst examples we have seen/heard about a public service response to COVID 19 Fast forward discussion on fast-track digital transformation, best practices in providing inclusive service for all, making democratic decisions online etc, co-creating with civil organisations,... Technical: We are use the video system in open source JITSI; try it beforehand, it is working on smartphone and on Google chrome (with plugin) * David Stu...