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Showing posts from May, 2014

European Location Framework -> authoritive mapping data

I started redently coordination of a research project called European Location Framework, within the frame of KULeuven university partner. It is the extended research effort by the European national mapping agencies to push into the market authorative and accurate mapping information. As it is an extension of INSPIRE and will push for re-use fo this data, it can only be good for more innnovative applications coming into the market. Find out what's happened during the first year of the ELF project

Where is the guacamole ? Use of LED for indoor navigation

This is the Guacamole test used by Philips to promote indoor navigatin using LEDs, another technology used next to iBeacons. Seems that more mobile phones are capable of using this LED technoogy. It is apparently linking with the light sensor used in the camera and 'hacking' this feature enables this type of apps apparently. Tests by GE : Test by Philips : Philips using LED for indoor store navigation and communication with the smartphone